Microblend Resource

About the Resource

The Microblend Resource is a collection of patterns which have been converted for use with Cyberpunk 2077's MultiLayered Material System. These patterns can be applied conveniently to any in-game garment, accessory, weapon, vehicle, or other object which utilizes an MLSetup for its materials.

You may browse the full selection of patterns available in the Microblend Resource on the Microblend Resource Pattern Reference page.

Making Use of the Microblends

The files contained in the Microblend Resource will not have any effect on your game if they are installed on their own; the files in this resource mod must be utilized by some other external dependant mod in order to have any impact.

As A Mod User

If you are not looking to create your own mod, but rather are looking to install the Microblend Resource because it is a requirement for some other mod, doing so is exceedingly simple.

  1. Download the Microblend Resource file from the Microblend Resource Nexus page.
  2. Unzip the download.
  3. Move or Copy the download contents into your Cyberpunk 2077 folder.

As A Mod Creator

If you are a mod creator and you would like to utilize the new microblends added by the Micrblend Resource, doing so requires the installation of the Micrblend Resource mod itself; you must list it as a dependency/requirement when you upload your mod and may not include the contents of the Microblend Resource itself in your own uploads.

Making use of a Microblend Resource microblend in your project is rather straightforward. To do so, you will simply need a relevant .mlsetup file to edit and a program with which to edit it, such as WolvenKit.

  1. Open your .mlsetup file using your choice of editing program.
  2. Navigate to Multilayer_Setup > layers.
  3. Expand the entry for the Multilayer_Layer that you would like to edit.
  4. Consult the Microblend Resource Pattern Reference page in order to find your desired pattern/microblend.
    • You may click on any microblend part_## preview image on that page in order to copy its file path to your clipboard.
    • If you cannot click to copy the path for some reason, you can also write the path yourself. The file path for any given microblend is base\[PATTERN_NAME#]\part_[##].xbm . So, for example, if you wished to use the part_02 microblend of the abstract_sun1 microblend on a layer, the file path for that microblend would be base\abstract_sun1\part_02.xbm .
  5. Change the microblend file path value in your .mlsetup layer to reflect the file path of your selected Microblend Resource microblend.
  6. Repeat this process as needed for other layers in your .mlsetup file.
    • If you are using multiple microblends together which are meant to create a single, cohesive pattern, be sure that the mbTile, microblendOffsetU, and microblendOffsetV values match for the layers containing those microblends.
  7. Once you are done editing your .mlsetup file, save your changes and use it as you would normally.
  8. Remember to list the Microblend Resource mod as a dependency/requirement for your mod.

Microblend Compatible MLMasks

Not all vanilla game .mlmask files have enough layers, or enough of the right kind of layers, to work well with microblends right out of the box.

Contributing To The Resource

The majority of the patterns included in the Microblend Resource were adapted from works on Pixabay, however, the resource is also open to contributions from members of the community. If you are interested in contributing to the resource, you'll need to be sure that the microblend(s) you wish to share comply with all of the following criteria:

If you would like to contribute to the Microblend Resource, please reach out on Nexus Mods, or via Discord if we are already in contact there, or contact me via this site so that we can work together to add your contribution to the resource.