The Cyberpunks

Trauma Socks

Question Randomizer

Assembled by NoraLeeDoes

The content of individual Trauma Socks questions are the responsibility of their authors;
the inclusion of a link to a given question implies neither personal responsibility for nor any inherent approval of the content of said question.

Usage Instructions

How Does This Work?

If you click the "Random Question" button below, the site will give you a link to a random Trauma Socks question. You can then click on the link and it will open the message containing the Trauma Socks question. Read the question over, and if it interests you, you can reply to the message with your answer to the Trauma Socks question. Be sure to use the reply function, so other folks can read the question if they're curious!

How Do I Use Tags?

Choosing tags is entirely optional; if you want a random question selected from all Trauma Socks questions, you can simply skip not select any Desired Tags or Forbidden Tags. Alternatively, you can pick as many Desired Tags as you'd like - the random question selected for you will then be sure to have at least one of your selected Desired Tags. If there are any topics you'd like to avoid, you can select some Forbidden Tags - this will make sure that the random question selected for you is not labeled with any of your Forbidden Tags.

Give Me A Question!

Desired Tags

Forbidden Tags

Your Random Question

Link Pending

This Question's Tags:

The random questions linked to via this utility were created by members of the "The Cyberpunks" Discord™ server, for use by members of the server.
For this reason, you must be a member of the "The Cyberpunks" Discord™ server in order to view the full question content.